You are a poopy stinky butt!
Well, not YOU, exactly. Really, more like everyone. Everyone
is a poopy, stinky butt.
According to my four-year-old, that is.
The Stinker has entered a lovely phase—The Potty Talk phase.
Sometime in the last few months, he discovered that toilet talk is not just
regular funny, like he thought it was before. Toilet talk, it turns out, is
over-the-top, spit-milk-through-your-nose,
fall-on-the-floor-with-your-friends-laughing funny.
Do you know how hard it was to find an appropriate picture for this post? |
My first response to the potty talk was a huge mistake: I
told him to stop it. Talk about adding fuel to the fire! Now poop is hilarious
AND Mommy doesn’t much like it! Let’s just say the resulting verbal
poo-splosion was epic. If he wasn’t talking about poop, pee, or penises it was
only because he was cackling maniacally at his own genius.
But then, things got even worse. He took it up a notch: He
discovered the word “Vagina.” And oooooohhhhh does my boy love to say “vagina.”
He uses it creatively, throughout the day, in a wide variety of situations. For
example: I am no longer “Mommy”—I am “Vagina Person.” As in, “HEY! VAGINA
I? CAN I???” Another fun example: He made up a Vagina song, which he then
taught to his younger brother. It goes like this: “Vagina! Vagina! Beautiful
vagina! Vagina! Vagina! Let’s talk about vagina!” They like to march around the
house singing it when the UPS guy stops by to drop off a package or when I’m on
the phone with the pediatrician’s office.
The good news is that I have managed to contain the madness:
He doesn’t break out the potty
talk at preschool, according to his teacher (that was a fun conversation). But
the effort to hold in all those “vaginas” and other potty words during school
hours is apparently monumental—as soon as I close the car door at pick-up time,
he lets loose with a violent stream of 4-year-old profanity that sends his
brother into fits of giggles and makes me want to bang my head against the
steering wheel until I no longer care.
The other good news, I guess, is that neither of my boys has
managed to pick up any “real” profanity…yet. They truly believe that the worst
word on earth is “stupid” and I hope to keep it that way for as long as I can.
Because I can just imagine the day that they discover actual curse words—it will
be like a whole new world has opened before them. A world filled with ways to
embarrass and humiliate Mommy. A world strewn with shocked and horrified
grandparents and teachers. A world where Mommy can no longer go to Target without
suffering the judgmental stares of her fellow shoppers.
And a world without Target is not a world I want to live in.
Vagina Person |
(No joke: Do a Google image search of "vagina person" and about 5 photos from my blog come up, including this one. OF ME.)
(Oh, but also? You probably don't want to do a Google image search of "vagina person." Trust me on this one.)